Welcome to one of the most corrupt institutions in Ontario.

FRO is a law unto themselves. If you reading this page odds are you are all too familiar with the way FRO operates.

If you have a story about the Family Responsibility Office, we would like to hear from you.

Typically FRO adopt an American policy of destroying fathers so they cannot earn an income by canceling drivers licenses and garnisheeing income that sometimes causes fathers to lose all hope of justice and kill themselves.

Typically the average divorced father pays child support because our courts are corruptly biased and award "custody" to women even when she is violent, unfit, drug addicted and or mentally ill.

If you hear of a father who actually won custody start asking some questions. You will discover some good reason. For example the father may have a close relative who was a former client of the judge before he became a judge.

The judge could be a family friend of a friend or attend the same lodge or religious group, cult or perhaps one of the father's parents went to university with the judge.

The other reason why fathers get custody is when the judge has a personal beef with the mother's lawyer. Perhaps the mother's lawyer stole a client of the judge when he was a lawyer. Perhaps there are local politics involved and by sheer bad luck the mother's lawyer backed the wrong horse.

Frequently, you will see winning deserving cases result in "strange decisions" because the judge has an anger management problem and is looking for revenge anytime that particular lawyer sets foot in the courtroom.

So now you have a rough explanation apart from bias that explains why some decisions actually award custody and or access to fathers.

The problem is that Judges generally assume that children will go with mother regardless because she is "entitled to them" because she gave birth to them.

Officially , the "tender years doctrine" does not exist but in reality it never left. It is played out in almost every court across Canada every court day.

FRO see themselves as weapons of feminists. They are a bureaucracy that generates work by hiding large heavy boxes full of checks, and then taking legal action against fathers for non payment. Frequently those "checks" are money orders, paid in cash but FRO keep them for months at a time to "create" a justification to suspend licenses, and, each cancellation of a drivers license generates $400 plus dollars to the provincial budget before the license is reinstated.


Typically, the average father pays support and then one day he gets ill or has an accident and loses a contact or is simply laid off. He hopes that the situation is temporary and wants to provide support so he advises mother that he is having problems and will fix it all up as soon as he gets another job.

By now, he has no money to go to court and gets behind, so FRO now are completely in control, they cancel his drivers license and the FRO director has more power than a judge.

Once a father gets into this position he is now unable to exercise access, unable to actively seek employment and ends up on social assistance until his luck turns around.

For many fathers, the cancellation of a drivers license is the beginning of the end and apart from access denial is one of the largest potential causes of father suicides in Canada.

FRO can throw you in jail, even though debtors prisons were outlawed years ago but , our feminazi politicians decided to win feminist votes and have increasingly jailed more fathers and we only need to look south of the border to see the terrible effects resulting in significant percentages of non custodial parents generally male in jail for no other crime than becoming inadvertently unemployed.

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