U.S. deserter wins appeal in fight for refugee status


From Saturday's Globe and Mail

July 4, 2008 at 9:47 PM EDT

The Immigration and Refugee Board was wrong when it decided that an American deserter couldn't claim refugee status in Canada because the military transgressions he was evading weren't severe enough to be war crimes or crimes against humanity, the Federal Court ruled Friday.

The judgment lowers one of the bars that the recent wave of American deserters need to clear when they seek asylum in Canada.

It said that dodging orders that are “contrary to the basic rules or norms of human conduct” is enough grounds to apply for refugee protection.

“Military action which systematically degrades, abuses or humiliates either combatants or non-combatants is capable of supporting a refugee claim where that is the proven reason for refusing to serve,” wrote Mr. Justice Robert Barnes, who is also a court-martial appellate judge.


Canadian Judges regard men as human trash undeserving of legal rights. Canada's Judiciary is riddled with Man Hating Judges with personality or psychological problems who have spent their entire careers prior to appointment in hiding their personality problems.

What is not hidden is the Judiciary's hatred towards men. It begs the question, in light of Canadian Judges history of making "political decisions" rather than legal decisions, just what hope does a US deserter really have?

Take it one step further. Could you imagine ANY Canadian judge relieving a US deserter from paying child support according to his former US military income while unable to work in Canada?

Lets look at the facts. Canadian Judges apply an "illegal burden of proof against men", that means, it frequently does not matter WHAT the evidence is, decisions come down against men so often in family court and more to the point, decisions in favour of men are extremely rare.

Look at any set of issues in the Ontario Court of Appeal. The odds of a man being successful on any Family Court issue is remote.
IF a man is successful on "an issue" the same judges in most cases, fill the decision with a "poison pill" by making costs orders against men. These costs orders frequently "end the litigation".

Take the issue of Spousal Support. Every Family Lawyer in Canada knows the odds of a man receiving "spousal support" from a woman, is "entirely remote" and the data from Statistics Canada shows that increasingly many men are full time child care providers while their female wives earn the higher incomes.

It begs the question, WHY. The ONLY answer is Canadian Judges have a PATHOLOGICAL HATRED towards men.

Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms is a SICK JOKE. Never has a self represented male litigant ever had a successful case in the Supreme Court. Its almost as bad at the Ontario Court of Appeal.


If Justice Barns was a Republican member, would it be reasonable to assume the apprehension of bias?

Canadian Legal Decisions show a historic hatred towards men. All too frequently, impossible burdens of proof are applied towards men while accepting any quadruple hearsay allegations of a woman as fact.

It runs like this. All a woman has to say is "I'm afraid of him" and REGARDLESS of the evidence, Canadian judges like the Dishonourable Dennis Power will issue restraining orders literally banishing a father from an entire city, not for any threats of violence but to "end the litigation" to act as an illegal appeal court decision on a brother judges decision that he does not like.

Canadian Judges are abusing their judicial power by issuing draconian orders against any Male who makes public statements about judges.

Take one well known insult to Justice in Ontario, Justice Richard Lajoie who has recently joined the gang of male haters in Ottawa, formerly of Timmins Ontario. He did not like being referred to as "an insult to justice" so he had a father seeking access to his child in family court arrested and thrown in jail on a trumped up charge of Criminal Defamation. That's right, he also decided to "hear the matter" in his own court and after the father was released on bail a week later, Justice Lajoie refused to be a witness.

Ontario Judges are using their positions of power to issue draconian orders virtually deportation orders against Canadian Citizens, simply because they are male and because they dared to make public the details of their well known War on Men.

The fact is, the hatred towards men literally oozes out of the court room walls. Its means Canada does not have the Rule of Law and if you want to destroy society what better way is there to do it than treat half the population as human trash without legal rights.

Of course Canadian Judges pay "lip service" or "put on a veneer', or "wear judicial robes" while acting as female gender extremists.


Ottawa Mens Centre.com, from Ottawa, Canada wrote: CANADIAN Judges HATE CANADIAN MEN so much that they flagrantly abuse their power to issue draconian orders virtually deportation orders against Canadian Citizens, simply because they are male and because they dared to make public the details of their well known War on Men.

How? Canadian Judges treat men as human garbage without legal rights. Any legal rights even rights to reside in Canada are removed by draconian orders such as "restraining orders" that effectively deport Canadian Fathers from Canada.

They issue orders for child support not based on any income of any sort, but as "punishment" for allegedly making comments about the judiciary. They follow it up with orders for security for costs that prevent ANY order from ANY VARIATION in the future, that is they know the income never existed, and that the father will not be able to pay the order and that he will be indefinitely repeatedly incarcerated FOR LIFE unless he "leaves Canada".

These orders are a "get out of Canada order" and it means your rights as a Citizen of Canada mean nothing if you ever happen to have the misfortune to be a male in Ontario Family Court in front of Male hating judges like the Dishonourable Allan Sheffield or the Dishonourable Dennis Power. These are two well known examples of DEAT BEAT JUDGES engaged in their WAR AGAINST MEN. www.OttawaMensCentre.com

The fact is, the hatred towards men literally oozes out of the court room walls. Its means Canada does not have the Rule of Law and if you want to destroy society what better way is there to do it than treat half the population as human trash without legal rights.

Of course Canadian Judges pay "lip service" or "put on a veneer', or "wear judicial robes" while acting as female gender extremists.


Ottawa Mens Centre.com, from Ottawa, Canada wrote: Canadian Judges pay lip service to the Rule of Law, they "appear to do justice" while blatantly making sure justice never happens, "if you are male".
The decision to send it back to the IRB is insulting and degrading. It is a "Political decision" not a legal decision.

Justice Barns knew what happened the first time around and now he wants to give the IRB a "second kick at the can".

The IRB is a political puppet organization of the government in power.

Harper is a Republican and its crazy to assume that Canadian Rule of Law will allow US deserters to remain in Canada.

Justice Barns knows George Bush engages in War Crimes. Justice Barns knows that George Bush fabricated evidence to justify his invasion of Iraq and both invasions had more to do with OIL interests than any genuine issue.

History has shown that war crimes have taken place and now we have a Canadian Judge making yet another POLITICAL decision rather than a legal decision.

The US deserters are HEROES deserving Canadian recognition and respect and not Canada's man hating judges making yet another political decision. www.OttawaMensCentre.com