Expulsion has not been ruled out for 13 male Dalhousie dentistry students


HALIFAX and and TORONTO — The Globe and Mail



The restorative justice process under way at Dalhousie University does not mean that the school has ruled out expulsion for the 13 male students who wrote misogynistic posts on Facebook, said Richard Florizone, the school’s president.

Pressure on the university increased on Friday as a noon rally demanded that the university take stronger action than it has to date.


About 200 people carrying signs reading “Dalhousie hates women” and “Shame on You President Florizone” protested.

“We all agree there must be serious consequences and there will be. … Everything is on the table. If the women are not happy, if we are not happy,” Dr. Florizone said.

It was the choice of the women who complained about the posts to the university to pursue an informal avenue, the president emphasized. The university and the school of dentistry are now working on a plan to ensure that no student, faculty member or patient feels unsafe.

In spite of campus opposition, legal experts say restorative justice strategies can give victims more say, and have been shown to reduce post-traumatic stress.

“Restorative justice is victim-centred, it asks who has been harmed and what are their needs in a way that is not done by the criminal justice system,” said Brenda Morrison, a director of the Centre for Restorative Justice at Simon Fraser University and an assistant professor in the school of criminology.

The Globe and Mail has obtained a copy of the Facebook screen grab that was sent to the university as part of the complaint against the male dental students.

Mr. Florizone says the issue was first brought to the university’s attention on Monday, Dec. 8.

In a cruel twist it appears that the page, showing an online poll about “hate” sex with the female dental students, was posted two days before – on the 25th anniversary of the massacre of 14 women at École Polytechnique in Montreal by Marc Lépine.

The page shows that the posts were made on “Sat” at 5:52 p.m. – and then deleted the next Friday – on Dec. 12. A source close to the issue says that it was the hate-sex post that finally provoked the complaint.

The screen grab also names 12 dental students in the Facebook group. And in one other post, a male student asks “his colleagues to vote on who they would have “sport” sex with.

Students at the rally wanted the men who wrote the posts expelled.

“If they really did take an active role in this misogyny they do need to be expelled,” said Jacqueline van Nieuwenhuizen, a Dalhousie graduate student, about the fourth-year students involved in the Facebook group that posted the sexist remarks. “They are just months away from being practising physicians in society and if these were practising dentists they would have lost their licences.”

Expulsion, however, does not address the damage done by sexually offensive or violent comments, Dr. Morrison said.

“By pushing [offenders] away, we don’t learn what are the other issues we need to address, from the individual harm, to the systemic. If we send the person and the problem out the door, we don’t take that opportunity to learn.”

In the United States, restorative justice approaches have been used to minimize expulsions from public schools, address bullying and lower rates of imprisonment.

According to the university’s website, Dalhousie uses restorative justice to address incidents of underage or public drunkenness, damage to public property, and criminal offences like disorderly conduct or minor physical assaults. A student who undergoes a restorative justice process has to write letters of apology and do community service, among other measures.

Nova Scotia residents at the rally said they want more from the university. Amy Downie’s husband has two degrees from Dalhousie, her daughter is in her third year of the health promotion program and her son was just accepted as a student. “I’ve given Dal my best,” she says. “I want better from Dal.”

Some day, she said, she will have grandchildren and she will make “damn sure” that they do not get treated by anyone from the class of 2015.






Commentary by the Ottawa Mens Centre

When is society going to respect the victims in this case?

The two women have agreed after what must have been a very important decision making process by the two obviously very intelligent and highly educated women, to the Restorative Justice Process.

The Angry Extreme Feminists have a right to be outraged, to be indignant and to express their opinion. Most of them have personal experiences that colour their reasoning that precludes the ability to understand that victims have a right to seek the Restorative Justice system rather than all the other options.

The fact is Jail, terminations, expulsions do not serve any practical good to society.

If these males were to be expelled prior to graduation, it would destroy their careers and turn them in women haters. It would also throw fuel on the file of Gender Hatred that is openly promoted in Canada.

Now its perfectly OK for women to stab their sleeping husbands in the chest and claim to be "victims".

Extreme Feminists lobby for the husband killers with a knife or the female psychopaths who advocate hiring a hitman to get rid of an ex husband by claiming, without any evidence that he must have been an abuser.

Jail rarely ever changes convicted criminals. If they change, its because of their own motivation. Restorative Justice has been shown to provide nothing but benefits compared to the other options.

It's rather interesting to watch the Judiciary in action where they have the rare option of resorting to Restorative Justice.

The alternatives to Restorative Justice are total destruction and incredible cost to society in destroyed lives, careers etc.

If any of these female dentists were violent on just one occasion, prior to or during their training, by say slapping their boy friend across the face and accidentally causing his nose to bleed profusely, she would be charged with assault causing bodily harm, if in the rare event the attending police decided not to fabricate evidence NOT to charge her and charge "the victim".

If any of these women were charged, and the Crown Attorney was Tara Dobec of Vivian Lee in Ottawa, the charges would automatically be STAYED prior to any hearing simply because the accused were female.

If the perpetrators were male, the charges would be automatic and it would automatically go to trial which could take 2 or 3 years and in the mean time, the male 4th year dental students would never ever then get a dental licence.

Canada applies what is called Male Sharia law and its a FAS.CIST program that promotes Gender Hatred based on a perceived and applied Gender Superiority Program.

Ottawa Mens Centre




Another knee jerk reaction to Extreme Feminist lobby groups generally composed of women who spend their entire lives promoting hatred towards men, especially fathers.


You will not see these same extreme feminists ever, show any concern when the Perpetrator of Sexual and or domestic violence towards children and or partners is Female.


According to Political Correctness, only females can be victims.


In Ottawa one woman stabbed her sleeping husband in the chest. She got out of jail, claiming with out evidence that she was a "victim" of abuse.


At the Supreme Court of Canada, in Ottawa the Supreme Court ridiculed the RCMP for charging a woman for hiring a hit man to kill the father of her children, absence of course any evidence to support that defence.


Recently, a Corrupt Ottawa Police Detective Peter Van Der Zander Fabricated Evidence NOT to charge a female dentist who attempted to strangle to death the full time father of their children.


When the police arrived they found him with blood and scratches around his neck that happened minutes earlier. The officers fabricated evidence to NOT charge the mother.


Det Peter Van Der Zander was told by the attending officers of the scratches, bruises and blood around the neck of the father. Det. Peter Van Der Zander Fabricated numerous statements including that she denied pulling his hair and attempting to strangle him.


You see, he got that information from the report of the officers who noted that the father told them she had pulled him by the hair down onto a couch and then placed a strangle hold around his neck that stopped him breathing. 


The Ottawa Police then in contempt of several court orders failed to provide the video of that interview. When it was eventually obtained, it showed that Det. Peter Van Der Zander never asked her the question of if she attempted to choke him, that he claims she denied but never did.


Six months later another Ottawa Police Detective in possession of audio recordings, numerous medical reports and photos taken by doctors, laid criminal charges of Threatening death and assault for, some 55 assaults on just one day and there were literally hundreds of examples of extremely violent assaults including assaults with weapons.


Those criminal charges were screened and approved by an Ottawa Crown Attorney.


A week or so later, the Ottawa Children's Aid Society went to the Head Crown Attorney TARA DOBEC in Ottawa and requested that she, drop the charges, that were screened and approved by another Crown Attorney after, a six month investigation.


Tara Dobec Stayed the charges against one of Ottawa's most violent women in spite of the most incredible quantity and quality of evidence.


Ottawa is a dangerous place for Fathers.


You see, Det. Peter Van Der Zander at the same time, removed the children from the care of the full time father and placed them with the violent mother.


If you are male victim of domestic Violence, and call the Ottawa Police, you will never see your children again.


Real crime starts with Criminal, like, Det. Peter Van Der Zander.


Ottawa Mens Centre





When it comes to Gender Hatred, Society turns a blind eye to that of the Authorities such as Crown Attorneys who engage in what is politely called Prosecutional Misconduct.

In real language its called Obstruction of Justice, its a breach of trust by a public officer.

Ottawa has two such Crown Attorneys who are notorious for Prosecuting Male Victims of Domestic Violence and Staying charges against Female perpetrators for acts of extreme violence with incredible quantities of corroborating evidence.

In Ottawa recently a Detective Peter Van Der Zander Fabricated Evidence NOT to charge a Dentistry Student for attempting to strangle to death the father of their children.

The attending officers and a witness noted that the father was bleeding around the neck with scratch marks around his neck, consistent with an attempt to strangle. His bruises were rather a spectacular colour of blue and purple with circles indicating finger pressure.

Detective Van Der Zander also listened to a stereo audio recording of the entire event that was stopped after the police arrived and taken by the police so it could not have been "edited".

Van Der Zander Fabicated an Occurrence report that the Female Dentistry Student "denied pulling his hair and attempting to choke him" He expressed a concern that IF he let her go without charges that "next time" she might kill him with a knife" so he released her so she could "call police" next time.

He sent her home with a "victim support" person, a free taxi reserved by the Ottawa Police for women who attempt to strangle the full time fathers of their children.

The Ottawa Police after two years of failing to comply with a court order for disclosure finally provided a Video Recording of Van Der Zander's Interview with the Female Strangler.

That interview shows that Van Der Zander never asked her if she "pulled his hair and attempted to choke him".

Det. Peter Van Der Zander claimed however that she must have been provoked and her assault was "a reflex action" however not one of the several claimed expressions that Van Der Zander Claimed he "heard" on the recording did in fact exist.

He then kept the father incarcerated for a further 16 hours and AFTER he released the mother, he finally interviewed the father, failed to photograph any of his injuries and interrogated him accusing him of being a pedophile without any such allegation or evidence to justify that terrorism.

The Female Dentistry Student was subsequently ordered to do "Anger Management" and she chose to do it with an extreme Feminist organization called "Jewish Family Services" who coincidently do not provide services for male victims of abuse. Two days AFTER she completed anger management, she assaulted her new male partner with a Strangle Hold to the neck, "with her hands around his neck and her thumbs intertwined around his neck" saying " My Father was KBG, I know what I am doing".

Ottawa Mens Centre





When will there ever be any respect or recognition for the Restorative Justice system?

The Restorative Justice process is almost universally praised by victims, Judges and lawyers.

Those who oppose Restorative Justice are those with Red Necked illogical unreasoned opinions who lack any knowledge of the workers or results of the Restorative Justice System.

Those who support the Restorative Justice process, are incredibly well qualified, experienced and most of all respected.

It's a shame that society cannot show some respect for the majority of experts who express their support for Restorative Justice.

The alternatives are incredibly expensive and jail, believe it or not in most cases does not solve problems but creates incredible expense to society and an endless trail of destroyed lives not to mention entrenching criminality and exposing many to a professional education in crime.

The only real cases for incarceration are where it is necessary to protect society. There are always other deterrents that can be used. That is the punishment needs to suit the crime and the victims should have their role in the justice system.

Ottawa Mens Centre
