The Ottawa Men's Centre provides support for fathers who are victims of divorce, parental alienation and gender bias.

Most fathers complain of legal negligence, incompetence or lack of empathy. Most men do not have the key knowledge that is necessary to have in order to establish a vital client-solicitor or client-attorney relationship. Many men are victims of an abusive spouse and end up being abused by the person they relied on to ensure justice for their children.

Most referrals to lawyers have a financial kickback which means some of the money you pay your lawyer goes directly to the person who referred you. 

The Ottawa Men's Centre has absolutely no financial arrangement with any lawyer. 

We are happy to provide excellent lawyers with referrals that are earned the hard way, by providing dedicated passionate advocacy that results in glowing praises from the vast their past clients with the minimum of complaints over a long period of time.

Don't expect any discounts from the lawyers we refer you to. Expect honest accurate billing at a rate appropriate to the lawyers experience, knowledge, ability,  location and overheads.

If we refer you to a lawyer we expect you to always keep your account with your lawyer in good standing. The last thing we need is to have a lawyer complaining we sent them a client who did not honour his or her part of the contract.

Retaining a attorney is very much like getting married. Just like marriage, a separation from your lawyer can be more costly than a divorce. Few men can afford to have a lawyer screw up their case then change attorneys. 

Changing attorneys or changing lawyers can be a costly painful experience that has many unexpected costs and prejudice that can be avoided by first obtaining getting an impartial objective knowledgeable referral to an Attorney from a referrer  who has no financial interest with the attorney.

We are fathers who have already been through the system and learned by hard experience and many years of advocacy for fathers and years of  providing very successful referrals to fathers across Canada.

Most of our calls come from men in divorce who have just parted company with a lawyer for a variety of reasons. Most fathers only discover after a very large amount of money has been spent that they made a mistake a series of mistakes and ignored a series of early warning signs before finally realizing they should done some more legwork before hiring their lawyer.

Choosing the wrong attorney is easy to do. 

Most attorneys are charismatic personalities who are gifted with golden voices and know how to sell. 

Most men don't discover until the damage is done that their lawyer really believed that their children were better off in the care of the mother. 

That is, the lawyer or attorney may have consciously or subconsciously held the traditional bias that children belong with a mother.

In divorce litigation you learn cannot trust anyone. The person you trust the least is the person who you need to trust the most.

It is vital that anyone seeking to "retain a solicitor" or "hire a divorce attorney" understand how to formulate a practical contract and provide the attorney / solicitor or lawyer with plain English instructions that bind each party to an agreement that that  provide a measure of insurance to obtain the  expected services.

The solicitors / attorneys / lawyers that we refer men to know that there is also an unwritten contract with the Ottawa Men's Centre which means any substantiated validated complaint could result in no  further referrals.

When Attorneys provide an above average standard of professionalism, they create a demand or requests for their services can make them difficult to hire.

The best attorneys are generally always busy and most of the time their services are in so much demand they cannot afford the time to take on a new client. 

Having someone provide you with a referral because you are a deserving case frequently provides an invaluable introduction.

We do not provide you with books or videos. Each person has varying abilities, resources and circumstances that require individual understanding, compassion and generally immediate action.

We do our best to provide you with a referral to an attorney we believe who has the greatest probability of achieving success in your case. We get our satisfaction knowing children develop having loving family relationships that  are as normal as possible.

Choosing the wrong lawyer in Custody and access disputes can not only destroy you, it can kill you. 

The wrong solicitor can cause stress and an anxiety and other problems that frequently spiral out of control. 

Many fathers just give up and later the stress, depression and anxiety can cause severe health problems.

W know of several fathers right now who are terminally ill most probably as a direct result of endless litigation by a vindictive former wife who for reasons that can be impossible to understand, decided never to let the kids see their dad again.

Obtaining a quality attorney referral is unlike buying most very expensive items. There is a risk of irreparable harm that can cause children to grow up on dysfunctional homes and subsequent generations of children pre-programmed for marriage destruction. 

We have a passion for helping fathers and bringing about a changes to the problems of systemic bias towards fathers.

If you think we might be able to assist you give us a call on (613) 797 DADS (3237) or email us at


The Ottawa Men's Centre




For information on divorce, men's separation & custody email

Tel: (613) 797-3237 797-DADS





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