Ottawa Mens Centre


Family law – Father's | Men's Divorce Support Group – Ottawa

(613) 797 3237  (613) 797 DADS Email


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Helping fathers learn to solve custody, access and support issues using secret strategies that work.

The Ottawa Mens Centre is an Ottawa, Ontario, non-profit father’s support group .

We are dedicated to serving our members with the support, counseling, coaching they need when going through separation or divorce.

Since 2004, the Ottawa Mens Centre has assisted fathers just like you to quickly gain a knowledge of the of the family law system and provide support by means of meetings and educational seminars. We have helped people to get themselves organize their family law legal case and to complete family law forms to prepare for their lawyers. Many of our strategies result in lower stress and maintain your relationship with your children.

Many of our members are self represented in family court because of their limited financial resources. In fact, about 80% of family law litigants in Ontario are now self-represented. Although most of our members are in Ontario, the laws are the same or similar in other provinces.

OTTAWA - FREE On-Line Bi-Weekly Q&A Meetings Wednesday Evenings 7:00 - 8:00 pm Call for details.


The inside track on family law

You will learn quickly about family law strategies and the family court system and non confrontational ways of dealing with family law issues. Some of this information won’t be explained by any lawyer. Talking with other fathers that are going through the family system is often very helpful.

You will also learn about other methods for avoiding lawyer’s fees and reducing the stress related to divorce while protecting your assets and your relationship with your children.

Our 20+ years of experience will save you time, money and stress while preserving your relationship with your children.


Our Advocacy

Many of our members get involved with our volunteer advocacy work.

This may take the form of helping others, involvement in social action or social networking.

For those who understand the difficulties fathers face, it may involve informing others of the need for reform to our biased and troubled family law system.


This web site does not contain or constitute legal advice. If you wish legal advice please see a lawyer.

Act Now - Don't give up your rights as a father. Your children are counting on you. For support and coaching send an email to with your contact information.


Stress Levels -The stress levels for fathers is overwhelming and without a plan it generally costs them everything and more. That creates extremely high stress levels and without coaching or an effective plan fathers can and do suffer from what is called the "Divorced Dads Syndrome" who have the highest suicide rates in Canada that is a direct result of the promotion of hatred towards fathers that exists in society and which results in a biased Judiciary, who are systematically engaged in fabricating justifications that is effectively the mass murder of fathers.


Plan Now - When the going gets tough, the tough get going however you need a plan and coaching to empower you with knowledge on developing the essential winning attitude. These issues are addressed at our information meetings. Call to register

Polygraphs- Many fathers ask about Polygraphs. This site has numerous articles on the subject but the bottom line is they are extremely dangerous and of little value. Call for information and referrals.

Assessments - The vast majority of assessments used in family court are by "hired guns" and rarely ever resolve issues. For fathers the bias in society and the family court system means an assessment is more likely to destroy you than help your children but not necessarily. They have a chance of some value if you are very careful.

DNA Testing -If you are thinking of a DNA test then you need some expert coaching on the variety of risks or advantages they provide. Most lawyers have an arrangement with a DNA company that generally is far more expensive than what is available. We don't receive commissions for referrals of any kind.


Reunions- If you don't act now, it may be many decades before your children have a relationship with you who will be raised brainwashed with hatred towards a loving devoted father.

No free man shall be taken or imprisoned or dispossessed, or outlawed or exiled, or in any way destroyed, nor will we go upon him, nor will we send against him except by the lawful judgement of his peers or by the law of the land.

Magna Carta


